#317 317. Radical Leftist turned Conservative Activist | Amala Ekpunobi

2022 Dec 26
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson Host
Amala Ekpunobi

Official description

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Dr Jordan B Peterson and Amala Ekpunobi discuss her early life being raised in a far left household, the instances that caused her to question the all-encompassing ideology she had been fed, and her rise to providence as an internet and podcast personality, advocating for the truth across party lines.


Raised in a far-left activist household, twenty-two-year-old Amala Ekpunobi was once a student organizer for the left. Unanswered questions–and a search for the truth–led her to a complete ideological transformation. Passionately sharing her new conservative values online, Amala became a viral social media sensation. Now the host of PragerU’s popular show “Unapologetic with Amala,” she inspires millions of young people every day to discover the truth, defend their values, and lead better lives.


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- Links -


For Amala Ekpunobi


Amala Ekpunobi on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theamalaekpunobi/


PragerU on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prageru/


Amala's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@AmalaEkpunobiUnapologetic


PragerU's Website: https://www.prageru.com/


- Chapters -


(0:00) Coming up

(1:34) Intro

(4:36) Amala and PragerU

(9:00) Being a voice of reason

(11:10) Notoriety helps

(15:30) Viral vitriol

(17:40) Pressure under truth

(20:05) Ego and humility

(21:00) Young Peterson and the NDP

(25:00) Siren calls of the left

(29:00) Fault in the ethos of compassion

(35:35) Argument and affirmation loops

(43:30) Bullies and reaction

(45:50) The axiom behind pride

(50:20) Greta Thunberg, making an oracle

(53:43) Starting early, rise of the activist

(56:56) Then and now, self verification

(1:01:30) Knowing your thoughts

(1:04:34) Argument and the cycle of growth

(1:13:28) Peterson on managing his humility

(1:17:00) Importance of reminders

(1:20:00) Behavior and the public eye

(1:24:00) Nobility despite tragedy

(1:27:00) Trait neuroticism, Wim Hof

(1:29:14) Accountability

(1:34:46) Conflict delayed is conflict multiplied



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// BOOKS //

Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life: https://jordanbpeterson.com/Beyond-Order

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: https://jordanbpeterson.com/12-rules-for-life

Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: https://jordanbpeterson.com/maps-of-meaning


// LINKS //

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